All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractConfigurationFormat<N extends ScopedConfigurationNode<N>,L extends AbstractConfigurationLoader<N>,B extends AbstractConfigurationLoader.Builder<B,L>> |
AbstractConfigurationLoader<N extends ScopedConfigurationNode<N>> |
Base class for many stream-based configuration loaders.
AbstractConfigurationLoader.Builder<T extends AbstractConfigurationLoader.Builder<T,L>,L extends AbstractConfigurationLoader<?>> |
AbstractListChildSerializer<T> |
AtomicFiles |
A utility for creating "atomic" file writers.
AttributedConfigurationNode |
A configuration node that can have both comments and attributes attached.
BasicConfigurationNode |
A standard configuration node, without any additional options.
CheckedConsumer<V,E extends java.lang.Throwable> |
A functional interface similar to Consumer, except allowing contained methods
to throw exceptions.
CheckedFunction<I,O,E extends java.lang.Exception> |
A function with one input and one output which may throw a checked exception.
CheckedSupplier<V,E extends java.lang.Throwable> |
A functional interface similar to Supplier, except allowing contained methods
to throw exceptions.
CoercionFailedException |
Error thrown when a value fails to be converted to an expected type.
Comment |
A comment that will be applied to a configuration node if possible.
CommentedConfigurationNode |
A configuration node that can have a comment attached to it.
CommentedConfigurationNodeIntermediary<N extends CommentedConfigurationNodeIntermediary<N>> |
Intermediate interface for different types of commented configuration nodes.
CommentHandler |
Extracts comments from a buffered reader or collection of lines.
CommentHandlers |
ConfigSerializable |
Indicates that the given type is capable of being serialized and deserialized
by an object mapper.
ConfigurateException |
Any sort of error thrown within Configurate.
ConfigurateOps |
Implementation of DataFixerUpper's DynamicOps.
ConfigurateOps |
Implementation of DataFixerUpper's DynamicOps.
ConfigurateOps |
Implementation of DataFixerUpper's DynamicOps.
ConfigurateOps.Protection |
Protection level for configuration node accesses through ops instance.
ConfigurateOps.Protection |
Protection level for configuration node accesses through ops instance.
ConfigurateOpsBuilder |
ConfigurateOpsBuilder |
ConfigurationFormat |
A service provider interface declaring a specific configuration format.
ConfigurationLoader<N extends ConfigurationNode> |
Represents an object which can load and save ConfigurationNode objects in a specific
configuration format.
ConfigurationNode |
A node in the configuration tree.
ConfigurationNodeFactory<N extends ConfigurationNode> |
Something that can create a customized node.
ConfigurationOptions |
This object is a holder for general configuration options.
ConfigurationReference<N extends ConfigurationNode> |
An updating reference to a base configuration node.
ConfigurationReference.ErrorPhase |
Representing the phase where an error occurred.
ConfigurationTransformation |
Represents a set of transformations on a configuration.
ConfigurationTransformation.Builder |
ConfigurationTransformation.Versioned |
A transformation that is aware of node versions.
ConfigurationTransformation.VersionedBuilder |
ConfigurationVisitor<S,T,E extends java.lang.Exception> |
A visitor to traverse node hierarchies in a depth-first order.
ConfigurationVisitor.Safe<S,T> |
A subinterface for visitors that do not throw any checked exceptions
during their execution.
ConfigurationVisitor.Stateless<E extends java.lang.Exception> |
Stateless specialization of visitors, where both the state and terminal
type are Void.
Constraint<V> |
Perform a validation on data upon load.
Constraint.Factory<A extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation,V> |
Provider for a specific constraint given a field type.
DataFixerTransformation |
A transformation that exposes a single DataFixer to a configuration in a
friendly way.
DataFixerTransformation |
A transformation that exposes a single DataFixer to a configuration in a
friendly way.
DataFixerTransformation.Builder |
DataFixerTransformation.Builder |
DfuSerializers |
A bridge between Configurate and DataFixerUpper serialization systems.
DfuSerializers |
A bridge between Configurate and DataFixerUpper serialization types.
Disposable |
A representation of something that requires resources.
EnumLookup |
Utility class to cache more flexible enum lookup.
FieldData<I,O> |
Holder for field-specific information.
FieldData.Deserializer<I> |
A deserialization handler to appropriately place object data into fields.
FieldDiscoverer<I> |
Interface that gathers metadata from classes.
FieldDiscoverer.FieldCollector<I,V> |
A collector for the necessary metadata for fields.
FieldDiscoverer.InstanceFactory<I> |
A handler that controls the deserialization process for an object.
FieldDiscoverer.MutableInstanceFactory<I> |
A handler for working with mutable objects in the object mapper.
FieldValueSeparatorStyle |
Enumeration of field value separator styles.
GsonConfigurationFormat |
GsonConfigurationLoader |
A loader for JSON-formatted configurations, using the GSON library for
parsing and generation.
GsonConfigurationLoader.Builder |
GuiceObjectMapperProvider |
A factory for ObjectMapper s that will inherit the injector from
wherever it is provided.
HeaderMode |
HoconConfigurationFormat |
HoconConfigurationLoader |
A loader for HOCON (Hodor)-formatted configurations, using the
lightbend config library
for parsing and generation.
HoconConfigurationLoader.Builder |
JacksonConfigurationFormat |
JacksonConfigurationLoader |
A loader for JSON-formatted configurations, using the jackson library for
parsing and generation.
JacksonConfigurationLoader.Builder |
LoaderOptionSource |
MapFactories |
MapFactory |
A factory which creates thread-safe map instances.
Matches |
Constrains a field value to ensure it matches the provided expression.
MoveStrategy |
Strategy to use when moving a node from one path to another.
NamingScheme |
An enforced style of naming.
NamingSchemes |
Standard naming schemes.
NodeKey |
Marks a field that gets its value from the node's key.
NodePath |
Represents the path to a given node.
NodeResolver |
A function to resolve nodes for a specific field.
NodeResolver.Factory |
Provides fields.
NodeStyle |
Representation of collections and mappings in a YAML document.
ObjectMapper<V> |
A mapper that converts between configuration nodes and Java objects.
ObjectMapper.Factory |
Provider for object mappers.
ObjectMapper.Factory.Builder |
A builder for a configured factory producing object mappers.
ObjectMapper.Mutable<V> |
An object mapper capable of loading data into an existing object.
ParsingException |
Indicates an error that occurred while parsing the configuration.
PatternFlags |
Indicates that serializable fields of type Pattern
should have certain pattern flags applied upon creation.
PostProcess |
Indicate that a method in an object-mappable object is intended for
PostProcessor |
A callback executed after all field serialization has been performed.
PostProcessor.Factory |
A factory to produce object post-processors.
Processor<V> |
Performs a transformation on a value annotated with a specific type.
Processor<I,O> |
Processor.Factory<A extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation,T> |
Provider to, given an annotation instance and the type it's on,
create a Processor .
Processor.Iso<V> |
A Processor that has the same type for inputs and outputs.
Processor.Transactional<I,O> |
A processor that supports transactions.
Processor.TransactionalIso<V> |
A processor that supports transactions using the same input and outputs.
Publisher<V> |
Something that can publish events.
Publisher.Cached<V> |
A publisher that caches the last value received.
RepresentationHint<V> |
A flag for configuration loaders describing how a node should be serialized.
RepresentationHint.Builder<V> |
Required |
Indicates that a field is required.
Scalars |
Scalar value serializers available
ScalarSerializer<T> |
Serialize a value that can be represented as a scalar value within a node.
ScalarSerializer.Annotated<V> |
A specialization of the scalar serializer that favors
annotated type methods over unannotated methods.
ScopedConfigurationNode<N extends ScopedConfigurationNode<N>> |
Intermediate node type to reduce need for casting.
SerializationException |
Exception thrown on errors encountered while using type serializers.
Setting |
Marks a field to be targeted by the object mapper.
Strings |
Extra string utilities.
Subscriber<V> |
A listener to events that may be called by an Publisher .
TransactionalSubscriber<V> |
A subscriber that is transaction-aware.
TransactionFailedException |
Indicate that the newly submitted value was invalid, and the transaction that
submitted the new value should be marked as a failure.
TransformAction |
Represents an action to be performed that transforms a node in the
configuration tree.
Types |
Utility methods for working with generic types.
TypeSerializer<T> |
Represents an object which can serialize and deserialize objects of a
given type.
TypeSerializer.Annotated<V> |
A type serializer that prefers type use annotation metadata to
deserialize the type.
TypeSerializerCollection |
TypeSerializerCollection.Builder |
A builder to construct new serializer collections.
UnmodifiableCollections |
Provides a set of methods that produce unmodifiable copies of collections.
ValueReference<T,N extends ConfigurationNode> |
A pointer to a node within a configuration tree.
WatchServiceListener |
A wrapper around NIO's WatchService that uses the provided watch key
to poll for changes, and calls listeners once an event occurs.
WatchServiceListener.Builder |
XmlConfigurationFormat |
XmlConfigurationLoader |
A loader for XML (Extensible Markup Language), using the native javax library
for parsing and generation.
XmlConfigurationLoader.Builder |
YamlConfigurationFormat |
YamlConfigurationLoader |
A loader for YAML-formatted configurations, using the SnakeYAML library for
parsing and generation.
YamlConfigurationLoader.Builder |