Class SimpleConfigurationNode

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class SimpleConfigurationNode
extends Object
implements ConfigurationNode
Simple implementation of ConfigurationNode.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • root

      Create a new node with no parent and default options
      The newly created node
    • root

      Create a new node with no parent and defined options
      options - The options to use in this node.
      The newly created node
    • getValue

      public Object getValue​(Object def)
      Description copied from interface: ConfigurationNode
      Get the current value associated with this node.

      If this node has children, this method will recursively unwrap them to construct a List or a Map.

      Specified by:
      getValue in interface ConfigurationNode
      def - The default value to return if this node has no set value
      This configuration's current value, or def if there is none
    • getValue

      public Object getValue​(@NonNull Supplier<Object> defSupplier)
      Description copied from interface: ConfigurationNode
      Get the current value associated with this node.

      If this node has children, this method will recursively unwrap them to construct a List or a Map.

      Specified by:
      getValue in interface ConfigurationNode
      defSupplier - The function that will be called to calculate a default value only if there is no existing value
      This configuration's current value, or def if there is none
    • getValue

      public <T> T getValue​(@NonNull Function<Object,​T> transformer, T def)
      Description copied from interface: ConfigurationNode
      Gets the appropriately transformed typed version of this node's value from the provided transformation function.
      Specified by:
      getValue in interface ConfigurationNode
      Type Parameters:
      T - The expected type
      transformer - The transformation function
      def - The default value to return if this node has no set value or is not of a convertible type
      A transformed value of the correct type, or def either if no value is present or the value could not be converted
    • getValue

      public <T> T getValue​(@NonNull Function<Object,​T> transformer, @NonNull Supplier<T> defSupplier)
      Description copied from interface: ConfigurationNode
      Gets the appropriately transformed typed version of this node's value from the provided transformation function.
      Specified by:
      getValue in interface ConfigurationNode
      Type Parameters:
      T - The expected type
      transformer - The transformation function
      defSupplier - The function that will be called to calculate a default value only if there is no existing value of the correct type
      A transformed value of the correct type, or def either if no value is present or the value could not be converted
    • getList

      public <T> @NonNull List<T> getList​(@NonNull Function<Object,​T> transformer)
      Description copied from interface: ConfigurationNode
      If this node has list values, this function unwraps them and converts them to an appropriate type based on the provided function.

      If this node has a scalar value, this function treats it as a list with one value

      Specified by:
      getList in interface ConfigurationNode
      Type Parameters:
      T - The expected type
      transformer - The transformation function
      An immutable copy of the values contained
    • getList

      public <T> List<T> getList​(@NonNull Function<Object,​T> transformer, List<T> def)
      Description copied from interface: ConfigurationNode
      If this node has list values, this function unwraps them and converts them to an appropriate type based on the provided function.

      If this node has a scalar value, this function treats it as a list with one value.

      Specified by:
      getList in interface ConfigurationNode
      Type Parameters:
      T - The expected type
      transformer - The transformation function
      def - The default value if no appropriate value is set
      An immutable copy of the values contained that could be successfully converted, or def if no values could be converted
    • getList

      public <T> List<T> getList​(@NonNull Function<Object,​T> transformer, @NonNull Supplier<List<T>> defSupplier)
      Description copied from interface: ConfigurationNode
      If this node has list values, this function unwraps them and converts them to an appropriate type based on the provided function.

      If this node has a scalar value, this function treats it as a list with one value.

      Specified by:
      getList in interface ConfigurationNode
      Type Parameters:
      T - The expected type
      transformer - The transformation function
      defSupplier - The function that will be called to calculate a default value only if there is no existing value of the correct type
      An immutable copy of the values contained that could be successfully converted, or def if no values could be converted
    • getList

      public <T> List<T> getList​(@NonNull TypeToken<T> type, List<T> def) throws ObjectMappingException
      Description copied from interface: ConfigurationNode
      If this node has list values, this function unwraps them and converts them to an appropriate type based on the provided function.

      If this node has a scalar value, this function treats it as a list with one value.

      Specified by:
      getList in interface ConfigurationNode
      Type Parameters:
      T - The expected type
      type - The expected type
      def - The default value if no appropriate value is set
      An immutable copy of the values contained that could be successfully converted, or def if no values could be converted
      ObjectMappingException - If any value fails to be converted to the requested type
    • getList

      public <T> List<T> getList​(@NonNull TypeToken<T> type, @NonNull Supplier<List<T>> defSupplier) throws ObjectMappingException
      Description copied from interface: ConfigurationNode
      If this node has list values, this function unwraps them and converts them to an appropriate type based on the provided function.

      If this node has a scalar value, this function treats it as a list with one value.

      Specified by:
      getList in interface ConfigurationNode
      Type Parameters:
      T - The expected type
      type - The expected type
      defSupplier - The function that will be called to calculate a default value only if there is no existing value of the correct type
      An immutable copy of the values contained that could be successfully converted, or def if no values could be converted
      ObjectMappingException - If any value fails to be converted to the requested type
    • getValue

      public <T> T getValue​(@NonNull TypeToken<T> type, T def) throws ObjectMappingException
      Description copied from interface: ConfigurationNode
      Get the current value associated with this node.

      If this node has children, this method will recursively unwrap them to construct a List or a Map.

      This method will also perform deserialization using the appropriate TypeSerializer for the given type, or casting if no type serializer is found.

      Specified by:
      getValue in interface ConfigurationNode
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type to get
      type - The type to deserialize to
      def - The value to return if no value or value is not of appropriate type
      the value if of the proper type, else def
      ObjectMappingException - If the value fails to be converted to the requested type
    • getValue

      public <T> T getValue​(@NonNull TypeToken<T> type, @NonNull Supplier<T> defSupplier) throws ObjectMappingException
      Description copied from interface: ConfigurationNode
      Get the current value associated with this node.

      If this node has children, this method will recursively unwrap them to construct a List or a Map.

      This method will also perform deserialization using the appropriate TypeSerializer for the given type, or casting if no type serializer is found.

      Specified by:
      getValue in interface ConfigurationNode
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type to get
      type - The type to deserialize to
      defSupplier - The function that will be called to calculate a default value only if there is no existing value of the correct type
      the value if of the proper type, else def
      ObjectMappingException - If the value fails to be converted to the requested type
    • setValue

      Description copied from interface: ConfigurationNode
      Set this node's value to the given value.

      If the provided value is a Collection or a Map, it will be unwrapped into the appropriate configuration node structure.

      This method only accepts native types as values. If the type of a value is unknown at runtime, ConfigurationOptions.acceptsType(Class) will return whether or not it is a native type.
      Specified by:
      setValue in interface ConfigurationNode
      newValue - The value to set
      See Also:
      to set a value with any type conversion necessary
    • mergeValuesFrom

      Description copied from interface: ConfigurationNode
      Set all the values from the given node that are not present in this node to their values in the provided node.

      Map keys will be merged. Lists and scalar values will be replaced.

      Specified by:
      mergeValuesFrom in interface ConfigurationNode
      other - The node to merge values from
    • getNode

      Description copied from interface: ConfigurationNode
      Gets the node at the given (relative) path, possibly traversing multiple levels of nodes.

      This is the main method used to navigate through the configuration.

      The path parameter effectively consumes an array of keys, which locate the unique position of a given node within the structure. Each element will navigate one level down in the configration hierarchy

      A node is always returned by this method. If the given node does not exist in the structure, a virtual node will be returned which represents the position.

      Specified by:
      getNode in interface ConfigurationNode
      path - The path to fetch the node at
      The node at the given path, possibly virtual
    • getNode

      Description copied from interface: ConfigurationNode
      Gets the node at the given (relative) path, possibly traversing multiple levels of nodes.

      This is the main method used to navigate through the configuration.

      The path parameter effectively consumes an iterable of keys, which locate the unique position of a given node within the structure.

      A node is always returned by this method. If the given node does not exist in the structure, a virtual node will be returned which represents the position.

      Specified by:
      getNode in interface ConfigurationNode
      path - The path to fetch the node at
      The node at the given path, possibly virtual
    • isVirtual

      public boolean isVirtual()
      Description copied from interface: ConfigurationNode
      Gets if this node is virtual.

      Virtual nodes are nodes which are not attached to a wider configuration structure.

      A node is primarily "virtual" when it has no set value.

      Specified by:
      isVirtual in interface ConfigurationNode
      true if this node is virtual
    • getValueType

      Description copied from interface: ConfigurationNode
      Gets the value type of this node.
      Specified by:
      getValueType in interface ConfigurationNode
      The value type
    • getChildrenList

      Description copied from interface: ConfigurationNode
      Gets the "list children" attached to this node, if it has any.

      If this node does not have list children, an empty list is returned. For example, if the value of this node is a map, this will return an empty result.

      Specified by:
      getChildrenList in interface ConfigurationNode
      The list children currently attached to this node
    • getChildrenMap

      Description copied from interface: ConfigurationNode
      Gets the "map children" attached to this node, if it has any.

      If this node does not have map children, an empty map returned.

      Specified by:
      getChildrenMap in interface ConfigurationNode
      The map children currently attached to this node
    • isEmpty

      public boolean isEmpty()
      Description copied from interface: ConfigurationNode
      Return true when this node has a null or empty value. Values that may result in this method returning true include:
      • null
      • the empty string
      • an empty map
      • an empty list
      • Any other type of empty collection
      This is a distinct value from ConfigurationNode.isVirtual(). Emptiness refers to the value of this node itself, while virtuality refers to whether or not this node is attached to its parent and the rest of the configuration structure.
      Specified by:
      isEmpty in interface ConfigurationNode
      Whether this node is empty
    • getChild

      protected SimpleConfigurationNode getChild​(Object key, boolean attach)
      Gets a child node, relative to this.
      key - The key
      attach - If the resultant node should be automatically attached
      The child node
    • removeChild

      public boolean removeChild​(@NonNull Object key)
      Description copied from interface: ConfigurationNode
      Removes a direct child of this node
      Specified by:
      removeChild in interface ConfigurationNode
      key - The key of the node to remove
      If a node was removed
    • getAppendedNode

      Description copied from interface: ConfigurationNode
      Gets a new child node created as the next entry in the list.
      Specified by:
      getAppendedNode in interface ConfigurationNode
      A new child created as the next entry in the list when it is attached
    • getKey

      Description copied from interface: ConfigurationNode
      Gets the "key" of this node.

      The key determines this ConfigurationNodes position within the overall configuration structure.

      If this node is currently virtual, this method's result may be inaccurate.

      Note that this method only returns the nearest "link" in the hierarchy, and does not return a representation of the full path. See ConfigurationNode.getPath() for that.

      The ConfigurationNodes returned as values from ConfigurationNode.getChildrenMap() will have keys derived from their pairing in the map node.

      The ConfigurationNodes returned from ConfigurationNode.getChildrenList() will have keys derived from their position (index) in the list node.

      Specified by:
      getKey in interface ConfigurationNode
      The key of this node
    • getPath

      public @NonNull Object[] getPath()
      Description copied from interface: ConfigurationNode
      Gets the full path of keys from the root node to this node.

      Node implementations may not keep a full path for each node, so this method may be somewhat complex to calculate. Most uses should not need to calculate the full path unless providing debug information

      Specified by:
      getPath in interface ConfigurationNode
      An array compiled from the keys for each node up the hierarchy
      See Also:
      for this node's key relative to its direct parent
    • getParent

      Description copied from interface: ConfigurationNode
      Gets the parent of this node.

      If this node is currently virtual, this method's result may be inaccurate.

      Specified by:
      getParent in interface ConfigurationNode
      The nodes parent
    • getOptions

      Description copied from interface: ConfigurationNode
      Gets the options that currently apply to this node
      Specified by:
      getOptions in interface ConfigurationNode
      The ConfigurationOptions instance that governs the functionality of this node
    • copy

      Description copied from interface: ConfigurationNode
      Creates a deep copy of this node.

      If this node has child nodes (is a list or map), the child nodes will also be copied. This action is performed recursively.

      The resultant node will (initially) contain the same value(s) as this node, and will therefore be equal, however, changes made to the original will not be reflected in the copy, and vice versa.

      The actual scalar values that back the configuration will not be copied - only the node structure that forms the configuration. This is not a problem in most cases, as the scalar values stored in configurations are usually immutable. (e.g. strings, numbers, booleans).

      Specified by:
      copy in interface ConfigurationNode
      A copy of this node
    • copy

    • attachIfNecessary

      protected void attachIfNecessary()
    • createNode

    • attachChildIfAbsent

    • clear

      protected void clear()
    • visit

      public <S,​ T,​ E extends Exception> T visit​(ConfigurationVisitor<S,​T,​E> visitor, S state) throws E extends Exception
      Description copied from interface: ConfigurationNode
      Visit this node hierarchy as described in ConfigurationVisitor
      Specified by:
      visit in interface ConfigurationNode
      Type Parameters:
      S - The state type
      T - The terminal type
      E - exception type that may be thrown
      visitor - The visitor
      state - The state to start with
      The returned terminal from the visitor
      E - when throw by visitor implementation
    • visit

      public <S,​ T> T visit​(ConfigurationVisitor.Safe<S,​T> visitor, S state)
      Description copied from interface: ConfigurationNode
      Visit this node hierarchy as described in ConfigurationVisitor This overload will remove the need for exception handling for visitors that do not have any checked exceptions.
      Specified by:
      visit in interface ConfigurationNode
      Type Parameters:
      S - The state type
      T - The terminal type
      visitor - The visitor
      state - The state to start with
      The returned terminal from the visitor
    • equals

      public boolean equals​(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object